Top 5 Gospel Songs is a rundown of Gospel songs produced each month. This list was prepared based on the Digital Downloads & Streams statistics from TodayGospel Download Server. Lets take a quick tour and see some trending Gospel songs in the month of JUNE 2021.
5. Mike Abdul, A’DAM & MoniQue – KODAMIDA

As SPAGHETTI RECORDS celebrate 9years of raising the Praise of GOD and setting the atmosphere of Joy everywhere we go, there’s only…
4. Joe Mettle – YE OBUA MI

Singer, songwriter, and worship leader Joe Mettle has finally released the long-awaited single dubbed Ye Obua Mi. The song was titled in the Ghanaian Ga language and it literally translates…
3. Wisdom G – WHAT NO MAN CAN DO

Indeed God’s specialty is: doing WHAT NO MAN CAN DO. Join Wisdom Goodluck a fast rising Port-Harcourt based Gospel Minister, popularly known as Wisdom G as…
2. Judikay – I BOW

Judikay offers a gigantic worship melody tagged “I Bow“. She debuts with this song of holy ghost after a…
- Chidinma – THIS LOVE

Here comes another highly anticipated gospel song from former secular artist turned gospel music artist Chidinma Ekile. Just a month…
Thank You.