
David Ibiyeomie a man anointed by God, elected by grace and sent to run with God’s divine mandate to establish His kingdom here on earth and to bless humanity. He is the presiding pastor of Salvation Ministries – Home of Success; one of the fastest growing churches in the world with ground-breaking results and branches spreading to almost all the major cities of the world. He pastors millions of worshippers spread across the globe with Headquarters presently located at Plot 17 Birabi Street, GRA Phase 1, Port Harcourt in Rivers State of Nigeria.


Myles Munroe said: Some people are too busy trying to get over their past that they don’t have time to live their future.

God does not use your past to determine your future. Let go of the past and pursue the bright future ahead of you.

Phil. 3:13-14 -Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

When it comes to forgetting your past, it is not God that will do it for you; it is your own responsibility to forget your past. Let go of the past; there is something bigger in the future. Let the dreams of your future be so big that it will consume you and make your past failures and mistakes look too small.


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