Apostle Michael Orokpo is a preacher to the youth, He is fiery and carries a message of revivals to quicken the feeble in the nations.
He is a passionate soul winner and teacher of the gospel. He is a living witness and communicator of the immortal realities of God. His love for God is compelling and challenging.
About Sermon
It is very cheap to be born again because no amount was paid for it personally, but it will take a lifetime to become the expression of the life of God. The responsibility of a Christian is not to be born again but to live out the life of God, that is a kingdom envoy, which is where many are lacking.
Kingdom envoys are the representatives of the kingdom of God, those who are ready to live a life patterned according to the kingdom lifestyle.
Apostle Mike Orokpo teaches on how believers must be ready to be true representatives of the kingdom of God and prioritize kingdom agenda.
Download and be Blessed. Download also Kingdom Envoys (Part 1) by Apostle Michael Orokpo.