ABOUT THE SONG (Wind, Rain & Fire) – Album (Sound of Revival) The workings of the Holy Spirit are invisible, glorious, and gentle, and within them, He never tells us about Himself, He comes to glorify Jesus. The symbols of the Holy Spirit are essential in giving us understanding of what He’s like, and the specific manifestation He delivers at a particular season.
The Holy Spirit, coming as Wind, depicts His power and His guidance. (Acts 2:3, John 3:8) The Holy Spirit as Rain has a dual implication. First as refreshing where there has been dryness and barrenness (Joel 2:23-29). Second, as restoration where there has been loss (Isa. 28:11-12). The Holy Spirit comes as Fire to refine us as gold or silver, and to burn away any binding grip that the Enemy has imposed on us. (Acts 2:3, Isaiah 4:4) As you listen and enjoy this song, May HE (THE HOLY SPIRIT) manifest in your life in whichever way you need HIM.
Come like the Wind
Come like the Rain
Come like the Fire
Ohh Ohh
Saturate my heart
Set me on fire
I wanna burn for you
Till the end of times
He’s here right now
(He’s here right now)
Maureen Likavo ft. Medza – WIND, RAIN & FIRE – LIVE (OFFICIAL VIDEO)