One of the highest points, If not the highest, on the night of this RECORDING – NAMES OF GOD, was when we began to sing this new song. YOU ARE HERE. Unrehearsed, and unplanned. It’s a phenomenon known as TEHILA. Unrehearsed and unscripted praise inspired by the Spirit of God.
I beckoned on Ntokozo Mbambo to join me and she humbly obliged. You would think all this was planned. But all that was the handy work of the planner per excellence , THE HOLY GHOST Himself.

The tangible presence of the Almighty God we felt will no doubt minister Grace to you.
Blessings !


YOU ARE HERE – Nathaniel Bassey Feat. Ntokozo Mbambo


You are here
You are here
You are here
in this place
and we worship and adore your holy name

You are here
You are here
You are here
in this place
and we worship and adore your holy name

You are here
You are here
You are here
in this place
and we worship and adore your holy name


You are here
You are here
You are here
in this place
and we worship and adore your holy name

You are here
You are here
You are here
in this place
and we worship and adore your holy name

You are here
You are here
You are here
in this place
and we worship and adore your holy name




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