If God does not advertise you, nobody will patronize you. Quotes From
salvation ministries
David Ibiyeomie a man anointed by God, elected by grace and sent to run with God’s divine mandate to establish His kingdom here on earth and to bless humanity. He is
Dr Pastor Paul Enenche of Dunamis International Gospel Centre and his wife Becky Inyangbe Ibu have joined the throng of visitors at the David Ibiyeomie’s multi million Hand of God
Pastor David Ibiyeomie Leader of Salvation Ministries has moved the Sunday service of the Port Harcourt based church to the site of its new cathedral. Pastor David Ibiyeomie said the
Biography David Ibiyeomie a man anointed by God, elected by grace and sent to run with God’s divine mandate to establish His kingdom here on earth and to bless humanity. He
Biography David Ibiyeomie a man anointed by God, elected by grace and sent to run with God’s divine mandate to establish His kingdom here on earth and to bless humanity.
Biography David Ibiyeomie a man anointed by God, elected by grace and sent to run with God’s divine mandate to establish His kingdom here on earth and to bless humanity. He