Official audio and video for Serving a Living God by Mr M & Revelation. Video VIDEO: Mr M & Revelation - Serving a Living God
Mr M & Revelation
Product of Grace by Mr M & Revelation is a heartfelt message of God’s unfailing mercy and grace. Lyrics Onye ka m bu(who am i)that you shower me with loveOnye
Start this year by speaking into existence what you want to see. This Year by Mr M & Revelation. Video Mr M & Revelation - This year
Titus 3:5"He saved us, not because of deeds done by us in righteousness, but in virtue of his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy
God's blessings are innumerable. Push up your gratitude with Ekele Featuring @PreyeOdede v Video Mr M & Revelation - Ekele (Live) Feat. Preye Odede
Official audio and video for Oza by Mr M & Revelation. Video Mr M & Revelation - OZA
Clapping and shouting have very deep spiritual connotation. Clapping is first an act of worship. Clapping and shouting out joyfully work together in worship. Clapping or shouting out in praise
Zoe is simply the life of God for every believer. It is life as God has it. Video Mr M & Revelation - ZOE Feat. Judikay
Tell of all his wonderful works and sufficiency. He is the doer of all things beautiful and great. All powers belongs to Him. Video Mr M & Revelation - Akoro
God sees, He knows and He cares. Whatever life throws at us, he already knew and he knows the solution. We serve a God who sees and is all-knowing. He