The Supernatural Bridge that Connects Heaven To Earth

 “Fire shall be kept burning continually on the altar; it is not to go out”
Leviticus 6:13

If you desire to have a burning passion for prayer―and to see authentic revival sweep the land―it’s time you to rediscover the Lost Art of Intercession.

Unfortunately, many Christians falsely believe that intercession is a practice reserved for a select spiritual few. Through his timeless work, respected prophet and author, James W. Goll reveals how intercession is a powerful tool for every believer to unlock supernatural power and authority in heavenly places.

Learn how intercession:

  • gives you a place of spiritual favor before Heaven and Earth.
  • empowers you to pray in alignment with God’s heart and unleash Kingdom solutions into your life.
  • enables you to plead your case and make appeals in the courts of Heaven.
  • ushers you into a lifestyle where supernatural encountersstart becoming normal.

Get ready to be mentored in the kind of prayer that partners with God to transform your world!


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