Abraham feared the unknown.
Hannah was in pain due to childlessness.
Paul was in perpetual pain throughout his ministry.
Job and David went through massive losses that caused them pain. They were massively heartbroken.
Elijah and David were so discouraged.
Moses doubted God. Doubted Himself too.
David was depressed. Constantly in war!
Elijah wanted to ‘go to heaven prematurely’..
David was rejected by his one father and mother, yet Greatly loved by God!
What can we say about Jesus? Even Our own Lord and Savior, went through excruciating pain at Calvary.
What’s my point? YOU ARE NOT ALONE Your case is not different. But what I can promise you is healing at Jesus’ feet.
He has given us the promise of HIS UNENDING PRESENCE, to Never leave us nor forsake us, even during tough times.
He says Joy comes in the morning, when weeping endures for the night.
He’s your healer, the great physician, the Balm of Gilead.
He’s the Father to the fatherless, the Husband to the widows.
He’s ELROI, the God who Sees You!
He’s the healer of your Broken Heart!
Jesus is His name!
Come to him, he’s waiting for you because He knows you by name.
Recorded live at International Christian Centre – Imara, Kenya.