This is a testament that GOD IS GOOD!Song written & composed by Blessing Lopez“For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting” Psalm 100:5 Every day, Jacob had a vivid reminder of his weakness in comparison to God’s supernatural strength. Daily, he would be encouraged to rely not on his deceptive tendencies but rather on his almighty God.
This too was a display of God’s goodness.Just as the goodness of God can be seen in Jacob’s difficult circumstance, it can also be seen in mine. I saw God’s blessings in the midst of life challenges, Though difficult to see, God’s goodness is present in our most challenging life experiences.It may seem as if God is not present at all when we face difficulties, but God is always present. He has a perfect plan for the things we deem good, but also for what we perceive as difficult.
When we choose to adjust our perspectives, we can see His goodness, even in life’s difficult circumstances.Dear God, thank You that Your goodness is evident in my difficult circumstances. Please show me Your goodness where I cannot see it in my life. Help me to trust and believe that Your ways are always good. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN!
YOU ARE GOOD by Blessing Lopez