Official audio and video of AKODA AYE by IBK. Off her New yet to be released Album project.
You sit highly distinguished in glory
Oh God of Abraham
You created curated reality for me
Through the greatness of your praise and power
Your enemies will bow
No one dares question anything you say
Oh oh
No one can stop your greatness
No one can test who you are
No one can match your power
No one no one no one
Akoda aye
No one can stop your greatness
Oh oh oh uh uh
No one can stop your greatness
I have tasted and I have seen
The very greatness that you give
There’s no one, No one can be compared to you my king
Un-elected royalty, bread of life eternally
There’s no one, no one can put an end to what you do
No one can stop your greatness
No one can test who you are
No one can match your power
No one no one no one. (all twice)
Akoda aye
No one can stop your greatness
Oh oh oh uh uh
No one can stop your greatness
No one can stop your greatness
Call-No one
Res-No one
Res-no one
Call-Can stop your power
Res-no one
Call- Can search your wisdom
Res-no one
Call-None like Jesus
Res-no one no one
Call-No one no one
Res-no one no one
Call-no one no one
Red-no one no one
Call-there’s no one
Res-No one
Call-like you Alpha
Res-no one
Call-there’s no one
Res-no one
Call- Like you Omega
Res-no one
Call- You are the first
Res-no one
Call- And the last
Res-no one
Call- And everything in between
Red-no one
Call- Take it up say no one
Res-no one
Call-Like my father
Res-no one
Res-no one
Call-You are my defender
Res-no one
Call-You started it all
Res-no one
Call-You will finish it
Res-no one
Call-Nobody like you
Res-no one
Call-No one compares to you
Res-no one
Call-Who can stand this God
Res-no one
Call-Who can stand this king
Res-no one
Call-I could search
Res-no one
Call-Through all the earth
Res-no one
Call-Can’t fine nobody like my God
No one can stop
Oh oh
No one can stop your greatness
My God my God my king
No one can stop your greatness
Oh oh oh uh uh
No one can stop it
No no no
IBK – Akódá Ayé (Official Video)