In Ephesians 5:18-20 (KJV), the Bible says And be not drunk with wine, where in in excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs is one way we can stir up the reality of the workings of the Spirit in our lives

SATURATE US is one of the song in the Album SONGS OF THE SPIRIT
Songs of the spirit are songs birthed in the place of my personal communion with God. These songs creates deep atmosphere of Worship, Gratitude, intercession, celebration, faith e.t.c
They are highly recommended for your personal and cooperate fellowship with God,
May the presence of God flood your life as you listen to this project.

Are You Born Again?
God loves you so much so that He gave Jesus His son as the practical expression of His love for you . Jesus is the evidence of the Father’s love for you. Accepting Him {Jesus} as your lord and saviour makes you a member of God’s family and exempt you from eternal destruction.

Heavenly Father , I believe in your love for me and I receive and Proclaim Jesus as my saviour and Lord . I renounce every works of darkness and I embrace the fullness of the benefit of the new covenant in Christ Jesus . Thank you Father in Jesus precious name.


[Verse 1] Holy Father, Father, Father
l Adore you
Let your Will be done
In all the Earth
Oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
I Adore you
Glorify your Name
In all the Earth

[Verse 2]
Holy Sprit, Spirit, Spirit
I Adore You
Set my Heart on Fire for You
Holy Sprit, Spirit, Spirit
I Adore You
Set my Heart on Fire for You

Holy Sprit, Spirit, Spirit
I Adore You
Set my Heart on Fire for You
Holy Sprit, Spirit, Spirit
I Adore You
Set my Heart on Fire for You

Set my Heart on Fire for You
Set my Heart on Fire for You
Set my Heart on Fire for You

Set my Heart on Fire for You
Set my Heart on Fire for You
Set my Heart on Fire for You
Set my Heart on Fire for You
Set my Heart on Fire for You

Fill our Lives, Lord
With the Glory of Your Grace
Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Fill our Lives, Lord
With the Glory of Your Grace
Saturate us, Saturate us

Fill our Lives, Lord
With the Glory of Your Grace
Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Fill our Lives, Lord
With the Glory of Your Grace
Saturate us, Saturate us

Fill our Lives, Lord
With the Glory of Your Grace
Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Fill our Lives, Lord
With the Glory of Your Grace
Saturate us, Saturate us

Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Saturate us, Saturate us
Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Saturate us, Saturate us

Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Saturate us, Saturate us
Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Saturate us, Saturate us

Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Saturate us, Saturate us

Fill our Lives, Lord
With the Glory of Your Grace
Make us Burn for You
Help us to Live our Lives for You
I wanna Live my Life for You
I wanna Go where You want me to Go
I wanna do Your Will
I wanna Live for You
Jesus I wanna Burn for You
I wanna Live for You
I wanna Go for You

Saturate us, Saturate us
Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Saturate us, Saturate us
Overwhelm us, Overwhelm us
Saturate us, Saturate us 




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