Following the release of his Album EP titled “Anglican”Frank Edwards kicks off the new year 2021 with a new single titled “Victory Everywhere (What A Year 2021)”. Download and be Blessed.


Oh what a year
Oh what a year
Testimonies all around the radar
Oh what a year
I see victory everywhere

Oh waht a year
Oh what ayear
Miracles are Flowing Like a river
Oh waht a year
I see victory everywhere

Just Like the other year
The devil tries to steal it
But He Couldn’t
Jesus won
I see victory everywhere

Uhhhh Uhhhh Uhhhh
Victory everywhere
Uhhhh Uhhhh Uhhhh
Victory everywhere
Uhhhh Uhhhh Uhhhh
Victory everywhere
Uhhhh Uhhhh Uhhhh
Victory everywhere

Oh what a year
Oh what a year
I’m flying on the wings of the spirit
Oh what a year
I see victory Everywhere

What a year
They’re planning war
But we already Won It
I see vIctory Everywhere

Oh what a year what a year
what a year
Oh what a year what a year
what a year
Oh what a year what a year
what a year

They’re planning war
But we already Won It
I see vIctory Everywhere

Recieve it for yourself
Victory everywhere
Revceive it for your Health
Victory everywhere
Recieve it for your family
Victory everywhere
Recieve it for your business
Victory everywhere
Recieve it for your nation
Victory everywhere

Oh what a year
I see victory everywhere




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