Humility is wings, So Stay Humble QUOTES FROM
In this kingdom, the secret to speed is waiting. Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. QUOTES FROM
There is no revelation in the body of Christ that is too big to be cross-checked. QUOTES FROM
Everything you're looking for is on the other side of growth. QUOTES FROM
Don't let guilt rob you of your communion with God. Come boldly to the throne room! QUOTES FROM
You can't walk in grace and be proud at the same time. Grace and pride cannot coexist. QUOTES FROM
God has put in our hands all we need to mount up with wings but the sons of men are accustomed to walking on foot. QUOTES FROM
That angle of your life that you've resisted the Holy Ghost for many months is the key to your next level. No impartation will unlock it; only your obedience will.
When you don't know your identity, you will always settle for less. QUOTES FROM
You Can't be on the giving platform and still be on the begging line. QUOTES FROM