The disciples once approached Jesus with just one request. They did not say, Lord, teach us to preach or Lord, teach us to cast out demons but Lord, teach us to PRAY. Teach us not to recite memorized words or fulfill a religious duty. Teach us to touch heaven and to impact the earth. Teach us to be fervent and effectual, to move mountains, break chains, impact cities and nations, change the course of history and bring heaven to earth.

The disciples realized that Jesus secret lay in prayer, powerful communication with God. We also you and me need to take hold of that as we sit at the feet of Jesus in the school of prayer. It all begins with a simple request: Lord, teach us to PRAY. Your Kingdom Come binds the burning heart of an evangelist with the burdened heart of an intercessor. From cover to cover, it is a fast moving, hard hitting, prophetic challenge to the people of God to answer the call of intercession in the most urgent hour of history.

This book contains nine power-filled chapters such as Prayer that Opens Doors, Praying Under an Open Heaven and Prayer that Releases the Miraculous. It is studded with spiritual truths and the insights of a man who knows that there are no limits to what God can do if we, his children, come before him in prayer. For the author, the only thing worse than prayerlessness is prayer without expectation. Intercession is not a human invention; it is God s idea. He has called us to partner with him in prayer. This book is for those who desire to enter into this divine partnership and join the prayer revolution. This book is for you! Change the world for Jesus sake.


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